Our Team
Phillip & Rachel Webb
Senior Pastors

Phil and Rach have been leading Connect Church since February 2017. They have 1 son, Judah. Phil and Rach have a pioneering ministry, having established children's, youth, family and city-wide ministries. Since being at Connect Church they have re-pioneered a bi-lingual, English/Mandarin congregation.
Rachel is passionate about women, young mums and children, with many years experience leading these ministries. She has a gift of compassion and loves to encourage, inspire, and reignite passion in people to see them embrace their full potential.
Phil loves to raise and release people into ministry. He believes all people have a call of God on their lives that needs to be encouraged and empowered to see people live life to the full. He is gifted in cross cultural ministry and an engaging communicator across a wide audience. Phil has previously served in associate, youth, children's, missions, regional and state leadership roles.
Muen Raheel
Worship Leader

Muen was born again in January 2008. She has previously served for 5 years in the prayer team of her former church. Muen has been in Connect Church since April 2017 where she began serving in the worship team, and in 2018 took on leadership of this ministry. Leading a team to worship in both English and Mandarin languages, she has a keen awareness of the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Muen is passionate about intercessory prayer and worship. She sees worship as much more than music, but whatever we do can be a form of worship. Muen loves enjoying God and listening to His voice in prayer and worship. She loves encouraging people to build up their personal prayer and worship in their everyday life.
Ping Lau
Mandarin Leader

Mao Shan & Thea Lyu
Young Adults Leaders

Rose & Graham Rowlson
Women's & Technical Leaders

John Zhang & Qingxin Lin
Team Members